Food for Thought: Drinking Water and High Fructose Corn Syrup

>> Thursday, September 16, 2010

Here are some of the latest things I have come across--not a recipe, but definitely a direct ingredient in them!
Drinking Water: 
Have you ever wondered where all the prescriptions go once they are peed out, go down the drain, and head to the treatment facility?  Do they REALLY get filtered out completely?  What would be the ramifications of drinking recycled/treated water that still had everyone's prescriptions in it?  I don't have all the answers to this, but incidence of infertility around me has me thinking that something "might be in the water".... Is it possible that we are being potentially poisoned by degrees as we ingest a multitude of chemicals?  Could the fact that our body is made up of such a huge percentage of water be resulting in increased cancer rates?  What is REALLY in our drinking water.  Long story short:  I buy and drink distilled water.  To ensure that I get all my vitamins and minerals, I take a multivitamin and eat a balanced diet.  The end.  Somehow I sleep better at night knowing that I am not POTENTIALLY drinking medications that haven't made it out of the water supply.

Optimum Health: Back to the Family Farm of a Hundred Years Ago:
For optimum health we should all go back about a hundred years to the family farm--majors foods weren't controlled by huge conglomerates; chemicals weren't used; food was perishible (instead of having chemicals in them that gave them a shelf life longer than our life span); and best of all, food was in the raw--no antibiotics, no hormones.  It isn't a wonder then with the addition of all these things, including GMO foods, that we have an increase in infertility, cancers, obesity, and generally a sense of "I just don't feel so great."  I have decided to eliminate these things in my diet as much as possible.  Specifically being eliminated at the moment in my life is HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP.  It is in everything, and some claim that it messes with the nerve pathways in the body....great.  My challenge to you is to go through your fridge, cupboards, and anywhere else you store your food and look on every lable for the presence of HFCS.  When those items run out, I challenge you to find an alternative that has good, old fashioned sugar or cane juice in it instead of the HFCS.  Your body will thank you, and as long as you regularly brush your teeth, you shouldn't be concerned it will ruin your teeth.  Frankly, I think HFCS is sweeter and more damaging than sugar could ever be.


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