Part II To My Blog on Onions and Iodine; Supplemental Iodine

>> Friday, March 18, 2011

In light of recent events in Japan and concerns over exposure to gamma radiation, and since my blog on onions and iodine continues to get regular hits, I thought I would share where I buy my supplemental iodine.  I get it from  (I don't receive any compensation or other kickbacks from mentioning this or any other site if you buy their products.)  Another site that sells this same product but under a different name (Nutridine or Nutroidine) is, a site run by Dr. Bill Deagle.
These sites are amazingly informational, and talk about this specific iodine in relation its state, how it helps protect the thyroid gland, etc.  Many are concerned about gamma radiation and the potential for thyroid cancers in the future.  In my opinion, this is a great way to get the needed iodine to defend against any gamma radiation that is being carried to the U.S., as well as getting the amount of iodine that our bodies need.


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